SPIPA Gujarat Requirement 2021।। Now you can become IAS and IPS. How to apply for SPIPA?

Hello friends

Welcome to our post.  We all know that a new notification has just arrived in Gujarat spipa.  Whose full name is Sardar Patel Institute for Public Administration, which we call SPIPA in short.  And speaking of this post, its official notification has come, right now one page notification has come.

 SPIPA is the ladder that you can use to climb IAS and IPS BAN.  Here, how can you easily cross the upsc, they make you prepare completely, till date SPIPA has dedicated more than 200 IAS or IPS officers from Gujarat.

 There will be a question in the mind of many people, who can apply which cone, especially for those people and all those people will have this question.  That is why we are sharing this post with you today.  If you like it, you can share this post of ours with all your friends and family members so that everyone can get information about how we can become police sub-inspectors.

 First of all, we will know which cone is worth this post.  In this post, we will know the age limit of the applicant, what should be his eduction qualification, after that we will know what the selection process will be, after that we will know what to read to pass this exam, that means how to prepare  Start, then you will know how much salary you can get in it.  To know all this, read this article fully and share it with others.

 [1] AGE limit age limit

 The age of the applicant should be at least 21 years, those who are not of this age can not apply, and if you have completed 20 years and the notification has come and you are a little less in the age of 21 i.e. 20 years.  If you are 6 months, then you can apply.  In some recruitment, it is clearly written that how much age you can get or less, for this you will have to read the official notification of this post carefully.

 [2] EDUCTION Qualification:-

 The person who wants to get admission in Sardar Patel Institute of Public Administration is required to graduate in any recognized university and in any stream, you can apply only if you have passed all the semesters in the college.  But sometimes recruitment comes in it, it is clearly written that you have been asked to bring at least 50% or more marks in the graduation class.  If you bring less marks than that, you cannot apply

 [3] SELECTION Process:-

 First of all, you have to give an entrance exam of 200 marks, which you will get in General Study ,GS 1 and in that you will get two marks of one question.  After that you will have to write a paper of 100 marks, in which you will also get two marks for a question. After that you will have to write an essay, which will be 100, now you will be sure that the marks of the spipa will come after all the totals have come.  Passed that new ...

  [4] SALARY Salary:

 As long as you stay here, till then you will also be given an amount of Rs2000 every month which you can get for 7 months.

 [5] How to prepare for SPIPA ??

  You have to prepare for the General Knowledge to pass the Prelims Exam, then you have to prepare for Reasoning, after that you have to join a good coaching class because most of the people who pass the coaching class join

Best YouTube video for how to prepare SPIPA 


 So friends, tell us how you felt this article of ours, if you thought that this article was useful to us, then share this article as much as possible, why many people will not be told about it.

 Those people can also miss this very good post.  That is why you must share this article with your family friends and many other friends.

 Click for the official link 


Jai Hind

 Jay Bharat


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